Watershed Stewardship Program

We support more than 15 volunteer stewardship groups that operate in over 13 Greater Victoria watersheds, providing professional advice, access to funding, and other resources.

While helping to establish stewardship groups, we take a leadership role in teaching best practices in stream care, conservation, and restoration. To assist with complex stream restoration and enhancement projects, we conduct site assessments, plan projects, and obtain permits.

The objectives of these collaborative partnerships are to:

  • Educate the public about the importance of watershed resources.
  • Facilitate communication and cooperation in watershed management.
  • Provide volunteers with the training and support required to protect and restore aquatic and riparian habitat.

Our dedicated stewards are also the ‘eyes and ears’ of local watershed conservation, monitoring stream conditions, counting salmon, and alerting authorities when there are problems with local streams.

These dedicated volunteers donate thousands of hours each year to restore streams, plant native species, remove invasive species, collect water samples, release salmon fry, and much more.

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Our dedicated stewards are the ‘eyes and ears’ of local watershed conservation.

Watershed Groups

Angler Groups

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Esquimalt Anglers' Association

Formed in 1952, this association operates a clubhouse, boat-launch ramp, and 300 feet of floats serving local anglers and boaters in Esquimalt.

golen rods and reels

Victoria Golden Rods and Reels

This fishing and social club is the lead volunteer organization in a joint collaboration with provincial and municipal governments to conduct scientific research into serious water quality issues at Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park. It has also led an initiative to clean up O’Donnell Creek, a major tributary to the lake.

sidney anglers

Sidney Anglers' Association

This association fosters interest in rod and reel fishing, promotes recreational fishing in the Sidney area, and participates in activities to conserve and protect salmon and their environment. Its members volunteer in numerous watershed and projects ranging from salmon DNA science to herring spawn projects. This association was a founding member of Peninsula Streams.