Restoration Projects

We plan and manage a broad range of restoration projects aimed at reversing a long history of damage and neglect of aquatic habitats in Greater Victoria watersheds.
Over time, these projects have continued to grow in complexity as we deal with the combined effects of urbanization and climate change.
Whether it's extending salmon habitat accessibility, in-stream channel restoration, beach reconstruction, or removing invasive plants and replanting with native species, our team is active throughout Greater Victoria.
Our goals include expanding and enhancing spawning and rearing habitat for Pacific salmon. This will help the recovery of populations of BC’s most iconic fish species and highlight their resilience through their response to restoration and conservation initiatives.
Our Projects

Colquitz River is home to both cutthroat and coho salmon. In recent years, the number of coho spawners has declined, however, even a few spawning salmon give us hope that with proper habitat restoration, these fish can recover and succeed in urban watersheds.

The KÉNNES Watershed Restoration Project is a multi-phase initiative led by W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip First Nation) in partnership with Peninsula Streams & Shorelines. It focuses on restoring vital ecosystems, including riparian, wetland, stream, and Garry oak meadow habitats, on the 78-hectare MÁWUEĆ property, recently returned to Tsartlip.

Peninsula Streams Society, in partnership with the City of Victoria, the Songhees Nation and the Esquimalt Nation, and as part of the Pacific Salmon Foundation and BC Stewardship Centre’s Resilient Coast for Salmon Program, has taken a Green Shores for Shoreline Development approach to enhance conditions of an urban pocket beach and shoreline.

Swan Creek is an urban salmon stream that was logged, then farmed and ditched in many areas. Despite many challenges caused by urbanization, the creek is once again fish-bearing thanks to the work of dedicated stewardship groups.

Today, restoration measures by local stewardship groups and residents have helped restore the creeks and their natural features by building riffles and pools, adding logs and boulders and replanting the banks.

Urbanization combined with increasing storm intensity caused by climate change has degraded the creek channel and reduced water quality. We initiated a restoration project in 2018 to restore the creek channel and improve fish passage.

Completed in 2020, the Millstream Fishway removed a longstanding barrier to returning adult coho salmon, opening seven kilometres of previously inaccessible spawning and juvenile rearing habitat. The project also enables cutthroat trout to move freely up and down Millstream Creek.

We have been actively repairing degraded sections of Tod Creek for several years. On Tod Creek Flats, our water management plan optimizes and integrates floodplain management, wildlife and fish habitat. The Tod Creek Fishway, completed in 2015, eliminated a barrier to fish passage created by a century-old dam.

The Mermaid Creek Salt Marsh is a small pickleweed (Salicornia pacifica) and salt grass (Distichlis spicata) dominated delta located at the mouth of Mermaid Creek on the southeast end of Roberts Bay, Sidney, British Columbia in the Traditional Territories of the Tseycum Nation.
Ready to Get Involved?

Our restoration projects would not be possible without our incredible volunteers. We're always looking for more help!

Want to feature one of our projects? Reach out to us for a media package.

Consider donating to help us restore our streams and shorelines!