from Headwaters to Deep Waters

est. 2002
Building a legacy of healthy streams and shorelines


We plan and manage a broad range of restoration projects aimed at reversing a long history of damage and neglect of aquatic habitats in Greater Victoria watersheds.

 We're dedicated to restoring salmonid habitat from headwaters to deep waters, through in-stream channel improvements, beach reconstruction, removing invasive plants, and replanting with native species.

Our volunteers are the eyes and ears of local watersheds, dedicating thousands of hours each year to habitat restoration, salmonid monitoring, and community education.

We offer many ways for you to take action to protect and conserve local watersheds: remove invasive plants, clean up shorelines, participate in stream restoration projects, teach students, and meet like-minded people with a passion for climate action!

We know how important it is to connect youth with nature. This connection fosters awareness, hope, and a sense of responsibility for our natural world.

You'll find us at nearby streams and shorelines, where we engage thousands of K-12 students across southern Vancouver Island annually. We provide hands-on experiences with stewardship and science that inspire action, advocacy, and a greater commitment to conservation.

Vital Waters - a short film by Surf and Stone Studios featuring Peninsula Streams and Shorelines

Peninsula Streams Society operates within the Traditional Territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən and WSÁNEĆ Peoples, and we are honoured to work alongside and learn from WSÁNEĆ and Lək̓ʷəŋən Nations, community members, and stewardship teams. Together, we take meaningful steps toward restoring and protecting our watersheds.

Peninsula Streams Society is a registered charity (charitable registration #865001457 RR0001).

For over 20 years, Peninsula Streams has restored and protected watersheds throughout Greater Victoria. Today our work is more important than ever, as urbanization and climate change continue to degrade local watersheds, streams, and shorelines.

Help us protect watersheds throughout Greater Victoria by becoming a member. Together, we will make a lasting difference in the health of local watersheds, streams, and shorelines.

We offer many ways for you to take action in your community to enhance local ecosystems. As a Peninsula Streams volunteer, your time and energy will help protect and conserve Greater Victoria streams and shorelines.