
What’s a Rain Garden? Green Stormwater Infrastructure Explained

Rain gardens are vegetated areas in urban environments, designed to capture, hold, cool, and filter water on the landscape. Rain gardens hold water where it can either evaporate, be transpired by plants (loss of water through leaves, stems, and flowers), or seep deep into the soil and groundwater. These gardens are an example of ‘Green

What’s a Rain Garden? Green Stormwater Infrastructure Explained Read More »

Local landowner restores backyard stream and inspires a watershed community

Did you know that many members of our Greater Victoria community have the potential to take on meaningful restoration projects on their own property? However, restoration can be an intimidating prospect, as it involves more than simply digging out some invasive plants. So, how do community members transform a backyard space into a habitat for

Local landowner restores backyard stream and inspires a watershed community Read More »

Community-level climate change: Long-term monitoring of water levels at Gardners Pond

Climate change is a growing global concern with significant implications for local aquatic ecosystems. As a result of shifted moisture regimes, streams within Greater Victoria are threatened by low summer flows, which can result in fish strandings (fish trapped in small, hot pools) and deaths. Peninsula Streams Society mitigates these effects by building the health

Community-level climate change: Long-term monitoring of water levels at Gardners Pond Read More »