Rivers, Rain, and Change

By Ian Bruce, Executive Director

From my desk, I’m looking out at the first heavy rainfall of the season. These ‘first-flush’ events can wash pollutants from vehicles into our storm drains and then into our creeks. They build up on the roads during dry weather and arrive in a ‘whoosh’, carrying oil compounds, zinc, copper, platinum, and other nasties. Something we should all be aware of today on World Rivers Day, which is also the 40th Anniversary of BC Rivers Day!

Recently, Peninsula Streams has had challenges: school programs cancelled, temporary staff lay-offs, fundraising plans curtailed, and a slowdown of volunteer engagement and activities. But in spite of COVID-19, we’ve managed to begin beach cleanups, plan fall school programs, reinstated our volunteer water quality sampling, and are ramping up forage fish beach surveys. We are working on stream restoration projects with several partners including Swan Creek, Colquitz River, and Millstream Creek. A new group, the Friends of Bowker Creek, was invited into the PSS fold, and we are helping them to return chum salmon to their urban creek!

So many projects, so little time and resources. Thanks to all the volunteers or others who have supported PSS over the past 18 years. We continue to value your support and sense of community you bring to the stewardship of our rivers, streams and creeks.

Top Photo: Gowlland Tod Park - Field Tour with NHC on Lower Tod Creek

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