The most important species you’ve never heard of!

Sharing an event from Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society - BC


Join me next week! Learn about the tiny but mighty sandlance

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Pop quiz! What common west coast fish spends most of its life buried in the sand but is vitally important to the health of orcas and Chinook salmon?

You guessed it: the humble sand lance. Chances are you didn’t ace this quiz. That’s because most British Columbians don’t know about this critical forage fish that lives along our coast.

Join ​​marine biologist Jacqueline Huard, an expert in all things sand lance, for an online interpretive nature talk about this little fish. Jac will talk about this eccentric species: they spawn on beaches, lack swim bladders, and hibernate all winter. At least 100 other species depend on the Pacific sand lance for their survival, including marbled murrelets, salmon and sea lions in the Great Bear Sea on the North and Central Coasts of BC.

You’ll also get a chance to take action by contributing to a government plan that could change the health of BC’s coast for the better! Public consultations are open for a planned marine protected area network for the Great Bear Sea and we’ll show you how to voice your support on an online survey and interactive map.


The Tiny But Mighty Sand Lance

When: Wednesday November 9, 2022 from 6-7 PM (PT)

How to Join: Register in advance for this special Zoom talk:

After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


I hope to see you there!

Warmest regards,

Kate MacMillan
Ocean Conservation Manager, CPAWS-BC

Photo Credits:(Top left) Sandlance Close Up: Mandy Lindeberg, NOAA/NMFS/AKFSC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. (top right) Rhinoceros Auklet with mouthful of sandlances: Eric Ellingson, Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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